The Neufeld Memorandum on H-1B Petitions, and its Implications for the Computer Consulting Industry
November 8, 2010 (Updated: January 5, 2017)
Akshat Tewary, Esq.
Over the last few years, computer consulting companies that
employ H-1B nonimmigrant workers have been a frequent target of
governmental, regulatory and legislative scrutiny. This
increased scrutiny has taken various forms, such as burdensome
documentary requests at the Department of State's consulates
under INA
§ 221(g), frequent issuances by USCIS of Requests for
Evidence (RFEs), Notices of Intent to Deny (NOIDs), and Notices
of Intent to Revoke (NOIRs), and port-of-entry
turnaways by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
officers of arriving aliens with valid nonimmigrant visas.
Another branch of the Department of Homeland Security, the
Office of Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS), issued
a report in September 2008 that alleged the existence of
widespread fraud and technical regulatory violations among H-1B
employers. The report fueled existing fears of H-1B abuse, and
has led to what are now almost routine investigatory "site
visits." Since July 22, 2009, FDNS has ordered over 15,000 site
visits for H-1B and religious worker petitions. USCIS has
confirmed that it currently utilizes only private independent
contractors to conduct site visits, and anecdotal evidence
suggests that many inspectors have undergone only cursory
training in immigration law. To make matters worse, the
Congress has recently caved into restrictionists' demands to
punish employers that heavily rely on H and L nonimmigrant
workers by passing Public
Law 114-113, which essentially increases the existing H/L
fraud fee by $4000-$4500 if the petitioning company has over 50
employees, of which over 50% are H/L workers.
In short, the current regulatory climate appears to be quite
hostile towards companies that heavily rely on H-1B foreign
workers. Perhaps the best exemplar of this hostile climate is
the Memorandum from Donald Neufeld, Associate Director, USCIS
Service Center Operations ("Neufeld
Memo") on H-1B employers, which was issued in January 2010.
The Neufeld Memo has significantly heightened the documentary
and evidentiary requirements applicable to H-1B filings by
consulting companies that place their employees at third party
worksites. Since the Memo's issuance, many IT companies have
been faced with an increased number of petition denials,
which are devastating to prospective H-1B nonimmigrants and extremely costly to their petitioning sponsors, both
in terms of lost business opportunities as well as expended
filing fees. Whereas the typical H-1B petition may have cost a
couple of hundred dollars in government filings fees a decade
ago, today the same filing can easily cost around $5000. In a
difficult economy, overcoming the hurdles presented by the
Neufeld Memo has become a business imperative.
The Memo's Controversial Stance on
Employer Control in Third Party Placements
In brief, the Memo explicitly requires computer consulting
companies to demonstrate that they will maintain control over
their H-1B workers, and implies that such control is likely
absent in most third-party placement situations. The Memo references
the definition of "United States employer" [1] contained within
the immigration regulations in support of the proposition that
any H-1B petitioner must not only prove that the offered
position qualifies as a specialty occupation, but also that "a
valid employer-employee relationship exists between the U.S.
employer and the beneficiary throughout the requested H-1B
validity period." [2]
As the term "employer-employee relationship" is undefined in
both the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) as well as the
USCIS's implementing regulations at 8 C.F.R., the Memo
interprets the term along the lines of the common law and
Supreme Court decisions on the matter. Relevant precedent holds
that the hallmark of an employer-employee relationship is the
"right to control the manner and means" [3] by which the
employee performs the work done on behalf of the employer.
Where this "right to control" exists, the worker is an employee
and where it does not, the worker is essentially an independent
contractor. Obviously, this distinction has significant tax
consequences for employers. Indeed, the IRS utilizes a
20-factor test to determine whether a particular worker
qualifies as an "employee" and not an "independent contractor,"
the consequence of the former classification being that the
employer would be liable for payroll taxes. The Neufeld Memo
promulgates its own 11-factor test as determinative of the
"right to control," [4] essentially echoing many of the
elements of the IRS's 20-factor test. The Memo goes on to list
examples of the kind of documentation that would meet various
elements of its tests. Indeed, in issuing RFEs to IT companies,
the USCIS typically recites the examples stated in the Memo as
options that the petitioner has to help show sufficient
control. Thus, to pass the Neufeld Memo's gauntlet, an H-1B
petitioner must show satisfactory evidence that it actually
controls the H-1B worker, especially in situations where that
worker is placed on a third party engagement. USCIS adjudicators are
required to consider the totality of the circumstances,
including all applicable factors regarding control, the nature
of the petitioner's business and the type of work done by the
The Memo offers the example of a typical computer analyst
working at a computer consulting company, and suggests that
this situation is normally not indicative of control by the
consulting company. Rather, the worker typically reports to a
manager at the third-party company, which, the Memo claims,
indicates that the petitioner lacks actual control:
The petitioner is a computer consulting company. The petitioner
has contracts with numerous outside companies in which it
supplies these companies with employees to fulfill specific
staffing needs. The specific positions are not outlined in the
contract between the petitioner and the third-party company but
are staffed on an as-needed basis. The beneficiary is a
computer analyst. The beneficiary has been assigned to work for
the third-party company to fill a core position to maintain the
third-party company’s payroll. Once placed at the client
company, the beneficiary reports to a manager who works for the
third-party company. The beneficiary does not report to the
petitioner for work assignments, and all work assignments are
determined by the third-party company. The petitioner does not
control how the beneficiary will complete daily tasks, and no
proprietary information of the petitioner is used by the
beneficiary to complete any work assignments. The beneficiary’s
end-product, the payroll, is not in any way related to the
petitioner’s line of business, which is computer consulting.
The beneficiary’s progress reviews are completed by the client
company, not the petitioner.
[Petitioner Has No Right to Control; No
Exercise of Control]
This a controversial conclusion, and the Memo took a bold
step in giving this hypothetical example. Across the United
States, the vast majority of end-clients that utilize the
services of computer consulting companies do so for the
explicit purpose of avoiding having to hire their own
employees, which would require paying payroll taxes. Such
end-clients typically go to great pains in stating in their
contracts with consulting companies that the workers shall be
independent contractors of the end-client, and not employees.
Most end-clients also modify their operational procedures to
maintain the appropriate distinction between their regular
employees and their independent contractor consultants. One
might even say that the entire consulting industry is premised
on this distinction between employer and independent
contractor, but the Memo blithely (and blindly) ignores this
market reality.
In fact, the USCIS may be at odds with other government
agencies in reaching this conclusion. The US Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) came to the opposite conclusion on the issue
of control in one of its enforcement reports regarding the
application of the anti-discrimination statutes to temporary,
contract, and other contingent employees:
Example 1: A temporary employment agency
hires a worker and assigns him to serve as a computer
programmer for one of the agency's clients. The agency pays the
worker a salary based on the number of hours worked as reported
by the client. The agency also withholds social security and
taxes and provides workers' compensation coverage. The client
establishes the hours of work and oversees the individual's
work. The individual uses the client's equipment and supplies
and works on the client's premises. The agency reviews the
individual's work based on reports by the client. The agency
can terminate the worker if his or her services are
un-acceptable to the client. Moreover, the worker can terminate
the relationship without incurring a penalty. In these
circumstances, the worker is an "employee."
EEOC Enforcement Guidance, EEOC Notice No. N915.002 (Dec. 3,
1997)(emphasis added).
Ironically, the EEOC's view was cited favorably by the Supreme
Court in Clackamas Gastroenterology v. Wells, 538 U.S.
440 (2003), which is one of the cases from which the Neufeld
Memo attempts to derive its authority.
Aside from the dubious reasoning utilized by the Memo on the
control issue, the manner in which it has effectively changed
the legal landscape for H-1B petitions has also drawn
criticism. The basic framework for U.S. administrative law is
such that Congress passes statutes, and the administrative
agencies issue implementing regulations and adopt policies that
put the statutes into effect. Generally, a "substantive rule"
change can only be implemented after the agency has published a
notice of the change in the Federal Register, and given the
public an opportunity to comment on the rule change and its
impact. In contrast, courts have held that notice and comment
does not apply to mere interpretive rules and general policy
statements. [5] As to the latter, courts have accorded
government agencies wide latitude and largely unstinting
Broadgate v. USCIS - An Attempt
to Judicially Invalidate The Memo
In July 2010, TechServe Alliance, the American Staffing
Association, and three IT consulting firms sued the USCIS in
Broadgate v. USCIS, claiming that the Neufeld Memo
substantively changed the law, and thereby constituted an
impermissible overreaching of the agency's authority. [6] In
its opposition, the government took the position that the Memo
was merely "guidance," that it had not substantively changed existing H-1B law, and that adjudicators were still required to
consider the "totality of circumstances".
Many H-1B petitioners will confirm that the government's
position does not reflect reality. Since the Memo's issuance in
January 2010, the adjudication of H-1B petitions filed by IT
firms has undergone a seismic shift. Virtually every
third-party placement case is at risk of an RFE or outright
denial over the employee control issue. Further, and most
distressingly, adjudicators do not seem to actually apply the
"totality of circumstances" standard cited in the Memo, but
instead uniformly require a written attestation from the
end-client addressing the control issue and confirming its need
for the beneficiary's services for the entire requested H-1B
validity period. While the Memo (and RFEs based on the Memo)
list numerous types of evidence that could theoretically
demonstrate control, such as employment agreements, human
resource records and tax filings, experience has shown that the
paramount document that adjudicators require is the end-client
attestation. In short, despite using vague and purposely broad
language (e.g., circumstances, factors, guidance), the Memo can
be distilled to a single, substantive new requirement in
third-party placement cases: end-client confirmation for the
requested H-1B validity period, whether in the form of a
letter, contract, signed itinerary, etc. Many consulting firms
find it difficult to convince end-clients to produce this documentation (even though issuing such letters is
probably in the best interest of end-clients relying on the
independent contractor tax designation for their consultants).
As a result, H-1B petitions are being denied for lack of
end-client documentation, even where the contractor has been
engaged at the end-client site for many years and where
voluminous evidence addressing the various "factors" of
control has been provided.
The Broadgate lawsuit was one of the best
opportunities that IT consulting companies had to judicially
overturn the Neufeld Memo. Unfortunately, on August 13, 2010
the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia dismissed
the case "with prejudice," which means that the issue of the
Memo's jurisdictional transgression cannot be raised again
absent some compelling change in facts. In short, the IT
industry must learn to live with the Neufeld Memo for the time
Options for Petitioning Employers
Nevertheless, hope is not lost for petitioners seeking to
overcome the vagaries of H-1B adjudication under the Memo. As
noted above, employers can provide numerous types of evidence
that touch on the various factors of employer control cited in
the Memo and specified in RFEs, with the hope that such
evidence will sway USCIS adjudicators.
Another useful strategy, which appears to be largely
underutilized, is to pit the IRS against the USCIS on the
control issue. The IRS allows either an employer or employee to
seek a written determination of whether the proposed
relationship qualifies as employment or independent
contractorship. Determinations are made by the IRS based upon
many of the same factors specified in the Memo, including
behavioral, financial and relational considerations.
Determinations can be sought for a particular worker or an
entire class of workers. An H-1B petitioner facing difficult
RFEs on the control issue can avail of a determination by the
IRS on the issue, and use that determination as objective
evidence of sufficient employer control. If USCIS ultimately
issues an adverse decision that conflicts with the IRS's
determination, the case would be ripe for judicial review
because courts will grant an agency broad deference over an
adjudicative decision only if that agency has expertise over
the question at hand. Strong arguments can be made that the
issues of employer control and the distinction between
independent contractors and employees fall most appropriately
within the purview of the IRS, not the immigration
authorities. Thus, the USCIS should not have the authority to
ignore the IRS's determination as to employer control.
As noted above, the Neufeld Memo is but the latest in a
series of restrictive policies taken by immigration
authorities, especially with respect to H-1B workers in the IT
industry. Despite these policies, we are confident that
consulting companies' entrepreneurial spirit and quest for the
American Dream will not diminish. Such companies must continue
to utilize all available tools to combat prohibitive
interpretations of existing immigration regulations, and import
the skilled labor that is required for their growth. These
continued efforts will promote the economic interests of
sponsoring businesses, in particular, as well as the technology industry in the United States as a whole.
[1] 8 C.F.R. § 214.2(h)(4)(ii) (2010).
[2] Neufeld Memo, supra, at 2.
[3] Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co. v.
Darden, 503 U.S. 318, 323 (1992).
[4] Neufeld Memo, supra, at 3-4.
[5] Ctr. for Auto Safety v. Nat’l
Highway Traffic Safety Admin., 452 F.3d 798, 805-07 (D.C.
Cir. 2006).
[6] Broadgate v. USCIS, No.
10-00941 (D.D.C. dismissed Aug. 13, 2010).
Last updated: January 5, 2017.
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