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Law Offices of
Kamlesh Tewary
1974 State Route 27
Edison, NJ 08817
Ph: (732) 287-0080
Fx: (732) 287-3836
Hillsborough Office
Mountainview Plaza
856 Route 206, Bldg. B, Suite 13
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
Ph: (732) 287-3157
Fx: (732) 287-3836
Dallas Office
8751 Collin McKinney Pkwy
Suite 1102, #586
McKinney, TX 75070
Ph: (732) 287-1115
Fx: (732) 287-3836

- Legal Ethics as a Means to Address the Problem of
Elite Law Firm Non-Diversity, 12 ASIAN L.J. [Univ. of
Calif. at Berkeley Law] (May 2005), reprinted in Russell Pearce, Daniel J. Capra & Bruce A. Green, Professional Responsibility, A Contemporary Approach 1025-33 (West 2010).
- The
Neufeld Memorandum on H-1B Petitions, and its Implications
for the Computer Consulting Industry, ILW.com,
Nov. 9, 2010.
- Comment Letter to SEC, Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest in Certain Securitizations (Dec. 12, 2011).
- Comment Letter to SEC, FDIC, Federal Reserve, OCC Prohibitions and Restrictions on Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in, and Relationships With, Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds (Feb. 13, 2012).
- Is
Traveling A Violation? Tips For H-1B Workers Going
Abroad, ILW.com, Mar. 17, 2010.
- Bank Lobby Cries over Volcker Rule, Regulators Try to Gut It, American Banker, Feb. 28, 2012.
- Comment Letter to Federal Reserve, Enhanced Prudential Standards and Early Remediation Requirement for Covered Companies (Apr. 30, 2012).
- CEOs' Meeting with Tarullo Is Big Banks' Version of May Day, American Banker, May 2, 2012.
- CFTC Buckles Under Pressure from Swap Dealers, American Banker, May 21, 2013.
- Watered Down Rules Leave Us Vulnerable to Next Crisis, American Banker, September 26, 2013.
- Portfolio Hedging Is Alive and Well Under Volcker, American Banker, December 30, 2013.
- Summary Of Senate Immigration Reform Bill S. 744: What It Would Mean For Information Technology Companies, Silicon India, January 17, 2014.
- Summary of Senate Immigration Reform Bill S.744: What it Means for Information Technology (IT) Companies by Akshat Tewary, ILW.com, January 20, 2014.
- A Little History to Explain a Lot of Tragedy, in Occupy Finance 51 (2014).
- Second Circuit Undermines Judicial Independence and Agency Accountability, Jurist, July 2, 2014.
- Swaps Rule Repeal Shows that Community Banks Are the 99%, American Banker, December 30, 2014.
- A New Glass-Steagall Would Be Too Good for Banks to Pass Up, American Banker, December 11, 2015.
- From Occupy Protests to the Platforms, Common Dreams, July 22, 2016.
- OCC Deserves More Scrutiny in Wake of Wells Fraud, American Banker, October 13, 2016.
- The Choice Act is Not a Community Banking Bill, American Banker, June 15, 2017.
- Government Regulators Should Not Expand Derivatives Trading at Credit Unions, Credit Union Times, January 22, 2021.
- The Bank Merger Review Process Fails Credit Unions, Credit Union Times, February 9, 2022.
- SVB Debacle Highlights the Need for Sheltered Banking & the Value of Credit Unions, Credit Union Times, March 29, 2023.
- Remarks at the GOPIO Manhattan Meeting at the Consulate General of India, New York, New York, NY (Apr. 1, 2023)
- Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the North American Securities Administrators Association, San Diego, CA (Sep. 9, 2012)
- Address at Vermont Law School: 2013 Sterry R. Waterman Lecture, South Royalton, VT (Nov. 4, 2013)
- Remarks at the Meeting of the Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) on Senate Immigration Reform Bill S.744, Edison, NJ (Nov. 10, 2013)
- Address at Yale Law School: 2015 Rebellious Lawyering Conference, New Haven, CT (Feb. 21, 2015)
- Remarks at the Conference on Financial Stability and Asset Management at the Boston University Center for Finance, Law & Policy, Boston, MA (Mar. 11, 2015)
- Remarks at the ITServe Synergy 2016 Conference, Frisco, TX (Nov. 11, 2016)
- Remarks at the ITServe Northeast Chapter Meeting, East Windsor, NJ (Mar. 21, 2017)
- Remarks on 8k Radio 8k Radio Regarding Developments in Immigration Law, Edison, NJ (May 3, 2018)
Media Interviews
- Wall
Street Journal: Victoria McGrane, Occupy Wall Street
Comes to the Aid of Volcker Rule
- Law.com:
Catherine Dunn, Occupy the SEC Goes Big on the Volcker
- Reuters:
Felix Salmon, Occupy’s Amazing Volcker Rule Letter
- Reuters (Video):
Occupy Movement Takes on SEC, Volcker Rule
- BBC (UK): World Business Report (Mar. 9, 2012)
- Washington
Post: Suzy Khimm, Occupy the Volcker Rule!
- Dow
Jones Financial News: Giles Turner, How Occupy
Leveraged its Power on Volcker Rule
- Bloomberg
Businessweek: Karen Weise, Occupy the SEC Weighs In on
the Volcker Rule
- Bloomberg: Susan Antilla, Occupy Vigilantes Write New Volcker Rule Script
- Bloomberg: Occupy Sets Wall Street Tie-Up as Protesters Face Burnout
- Huffington
Post: Alexander Eichler, Occupy The SEC Marches In
Support Of A Strong Volcker Rule
- International
Business Times: Dan Rivoli, Occupy Wall Street Group
Offers Detailed Critique of Volcker Rule
- MyBankTracker:
Willy Staley, Occupy Gets Wonky; Files Lengthy Tome on
Volcker Rule
- 20 Minuti (Switzerland): Filippo Suessli, #OccupytheSEC:
Indignados Che Lavorano
- Counterpunch:
Pam Martens, Occupy the SEC Pitches An Extreme Makeover of Wall Street
- De Tijd (Belgium): Stijn Demeester, Occupy Wall Street Gaat Bovengronds (Mar. 24, 2012)
- RT:
Lauren Lyster, Occupy the SEC Takes on Big Banks and the London Whale
- Current TV, Interview on Viewpoint with Eliot Spitzer (May 2, 2012)
- The Guardian (UK), JP Morgan Boss to Face Shareholders over $2bn 'Tempest in a Teapot'
- The Guardian (UK), Columbia in a Tangle over Links to Embattled JP Morgan Boss Dimon
- The Guardian (UK), JP Morgan Boss Jamie Dimon Faces Down Senate Critics – as it Happened
- CNBC, Interview on Squawk on the Street
- CCTV (China), Two Shareholders File Lawsuits Against Banking Giant JP Morgan
- American Lawyer - Litigation Daily: Rakoff Gets Amicus Support from Occupy Wall Street in Citi Appeal
- FSRN: Newscast for Wednesday, June 6, 2012
- Huffington Post: Occupy Wall Street-Affiliated Group Sides With Federal Judge Jed Rakoff In SEC Feud
- Law360: UK's Broad Ring-Fencing Proposal May Outshine Volcker Rule
- Law360: Despite Weill's Words, Breaking Up Banks Won't Be Easy
- Le Monde (France): Les Rebelles de Wall Street
- CTV News (Canada): Morning Express (July 26, 2012)
- ABA Student Lawyer: Occupy Law Street: Lawyers and Students Band Together to Tackle Complex Issues (Sep. 2012)
- Financial Advisor: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Plan Traffic Blockade Amid Participant Burnout
- The Globe and Mail (Canada): The Comeback of Occupy Wall Street
- Al Jazeera: Prosecuting Wall Street
- New York Times: Voters Cast Their Ballots
- Law360: SEC Watchdog Sues Feds Over Volcker Rule Delay
- Law360: High Court Ruling Puts SEC Actions On Strict Timetable
- Boston Globe: Occupy the SEC Takes on Big Banks on Their Own Turf
- USA Today: Dodd-Frank Act: After 3 Years, a Long To-do List
- PolicyMic: Immigration Reform 2013: Why More Border Security is Not the Answer
- The Nation: Occupy Activists' New Fight for Regulation, Affordable Housing and Social Justice
- IA Watch: Complicated High Court Case Could Slice Both Ways for Advisers
- Al-Jazeera America: Bankers and Activists Fret Over Volcker Rule's Impact
- Law360: Despite Some Easing, Volcker Will Pose Challenges For Banks
- Wall Street Journal: Occupy the SEC’s Volcker Rule Role
- Washington Post: The Volcker rule Cites the Occupy Movement 284 Times
- AllVoices: Occupy's Efforts Gain Some Traction
- Silicon India: Helping Companies Solve Problems On A Direct Basis
- IBA Global Insight: The SEC: New Leader, New Era?
- Animal NY: Occupy Wonk Street
- Law360: Bank Exec Charges Would Add Bite To DOJ's Bark
- Naked Capitalism: Did Wall Street Need to Win the Derivatives Budget Fight to Hedge Against Oil Plunge?
- Naked Capitalism: Occupy the SEC Condemns Securities Lawyers for Bullying the SEC, Demanding Preferential Treatment for Clients
- Thomson Reuters: Q&A: Occupy the SEC’s Top Lawyer, on Post-Volcker Banking and Reform Agenda
- Thomson Reuters: Roots of the Next Financial Crisis: The Last One’s Veterans Give Views
- Law360: Activists Urge High Court To Tighten Insider Trading Rules
- Law360: Rumored Reduction In Deutsche Bank Fine Has Critics Howling
- Law360: Banks Push OCC To Simplify The Volcker Rule
- Die Tageszeitung (Germany): Bye-bye, Occupy
- Naked Capitalism: SEC to Relax Audit Requirements for Small Companies, Thus Facilitating Future Accounting Fraud
- Wall Street Journal:Choice Act More Bane Than Boon for Community Banks
- Business Insider:Occupy Wall Street 10 Years Later
Court Filings
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Occupy the SEC, Gabelli v. Sec. and Exch. Comm'n, No. 11-1274, 2013 WL 691002 (U.S. Feb. 27, 2013).
- Taylor v. Bernanke, No. 13-CV-1013. (E.D.N.Y. Sep. 9, 2013)
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Occupy the SEC, Chadbourne & Parke LLP v. Troice, No. 12-79, 2014 WL 714697 (U.S. Feb. 26, 2014)
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Alternative Banking Group, SEC v. Citigroup, 752 F.3d 285 (2d Cir. June 4, 2014)
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Occupy the SEC, Bank of America, NA v. Caulkett and Bank of America, NA v. Toledo-Cardona , Nos. 13-1421 and 14-163 (U.S. Feb. 24, 2015)
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Occupy the SEC, Omnicare, Inc. v. Laborers District Council Construction Industry Pension Fund, No. 13-435 (U.S. Aug. 28, 2014)
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Occupy the SEC, Salman v. United States, No. 15-628 (U.S. Aug. 8, 2016)
- Brief of Amicus Curiae Occupy the SEC, Retirement Plans Committee of IBM v. Jander, No. 18-1165 (U.S. Oct. 1, 2019)